Tire & Wheel Cleaners and Treatments
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Detail Shops
Power Wash
Truck Wash

Detail Shops, Power Wash, Truck Wash, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsRinse-Away is Arcadian's most aggressive acid-based cleaner, formulated for metal wheels. RInseaway is formulated to brighten chrome, clear coated and mag wheels and is safe for plastic wheel covers. It contains strong mineral acids which quickly remove brake dust and road films, while cleaning and brightening without scrubbing. Recommended dilutions are up to 200 to 1.
Do not use on PVD, anodized, or uncoated aluminum wheels. Contains HF

Tire Bond™ WB
In-Bay, Self-Serve, Truck Wash, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsArcadian's Tire Bond™ WB is a ready-to-use, water-based tire dressing used in express exterior and full service car washes, self service car washes with tire shine application machines as well as hand applied by detail shops. Tire Bond™ WB has been formulated with the latest silicone technology with very low slinging and provides a durable long lasting shine.

Tire Bond™ SB
In-Bay, Self-Serve, Truck Wash, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsArcadian's Tire Bond™ SB is a ready-to-use, solvent-based tire dressing used in express exterior and full service car washes, self service car washes with tire shine application machines as well as hand applied by detail shops. Tire Bond™ SB has been formulated with the latest silicone technology with very low slinging and provides a durable long lasting shine.

Aurora® WM800
Detail Shops, Self-Serve, Truck Wash, Tunnel Detergents & Soap, Presoaks, Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsA all purpose degreasing product perfect for engines, interior detailing, tires, wheels and presoak. Provides the extra “punch” you need for those special cleaning jobs. Will not harm most plastics, vinyl metal or leather surfaces. Aurora® WM800 also works excellent as a prep soap and bug remover. For industrial applications Aurora WM800 is widely used in automated floor scrubbing equipment as well as by power washers as a degreaser. Great affordable performance!

Ultra-Bright™ Booster
Self-Serve, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsThis is the perfect add-on to our Ultra-Bright Cleaners. When mixed together it will remove extreme cases of brake dust and make white-walls look brand new! No scrubbing-no long dwell times.

Ultra-Bright™ Liquid
Detail Shops, Self-Serve, Truck Wash, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsThis is the liquid version of our Ultra-Bright Powder. When mixed together with Ultra-Bright Booster, it will remove extreme cases of brake dust and make the white-walls look brand new.

Ultra-Bright Powder™
Self-Serve, Truck Wash, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsThis famous tire cleaner has been one of our premium tire and wheel cleaners for years. Perfect for any application — self-serve, tunnels and CTA’s. Non-caustic/non-acidic. Bright green. Use with Ultra Bright Booster for unbelievable cleaning.

Aurora® Series WC500™
Self-Serve, Tunnel Tire & Wheel Cleaners and TreatmentsAn economical & advanced Alkaline Tire and Wheel Cleaner that is acid free, scrub-free and ready to take the work out of Tire/Wheel Cleaning. The recommend Draw Ratio is 64:1. Green in color and available with or without Pine Scent.
Arcadian offers a complete line of both Alkaline and Acid Based Wheel Cleaners as well as our industry leading line of Tire-Bond Tire Dressings.
Made in Florence, Alabama
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